Comparing University Culture in Canada and Australia

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So sánh du học Canada và ÚcShould You Study in Canada or Australia?

Are you torn between studying in Canada or Australia? Wondering what student life is like in these countries? This article will give you a clearer picture of university culture in both nations. We’ll explore academic life, campus life, and the student culture you can expect.

Academic Life

In both Canada and Australia, university students are expected to be independent, both in life and in their studies. Students have a lot of flexibility in choosing courses and schedules. Professors generally provide less individual attention, but international students receive ample support to help them adjust and integrate into university life.

Canadian universities are renowned for producing graduates with excellent critical thinking and leadership skills. Tutorials in both countries focus on problem-solving, discussing topics, and question-and-answer sessions. Active participation in discussions is crucial.

An interesting note about Australian culture is that everyone is seen as equals. University culture is very relaxed, and students often call their professors by their first names.

Campus Life

Leisure and university campus life are closely intertwined in Canada and Australia. Campuses are like small towns with numerous on-site facilities such as cafes, dining halls, pubs, sports facilities, and entertainment venues.

In Canada, accommodation is typically in dormitories close to campus, where you share a room with another student and facilities with a group of students. On-campus accommodation is less common in Australia, and international students often stay in hostels, guest houses, or homestay accommodations.

Many students opt to rent private accommodation with friends, which can be cheaper. Most students live off-campus, leading to high demand for housing. It is advisable for international students to arrive a few weeks before their courses start to secure accommodation.


Both countries are incredibly multicultural and diverse. More than 20% of Canada’s population is international, and the country has two official languages: English and French. Australia also has a significant immigrant population and is home to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. International students need to adapt and integrate into this multicultural environment, with universities providing support.

Both countries offer stunning landscapes to explore. Canada has distinct seasons, while Australia’s climate ranges from tropical to cooler, depending on the location. Remember, Canada can get very cold with frequent snowfall in winter, so pack warm clothes.

Outdoor leisure activities and sports are important in both Canada and Australia. In Canada, you can ice skate, play baseball, or even ice hockey. In Australia, activities include surfing, biking, hiking, and Australian football. Food, fun, and entertainment often take place outdoors, making these destinations ideal if you enjoy such a lifestyle.

Final Decision

Despite being in different hemispheres and time zones, university culture in Canada and Australia has many similarities. If you’re still unsure about your destination, try our course search tool to find the right course, and decide on the destination afterward.