Vocational Study in Canada 2024: Requirements, Costs, and Courses

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du học nghề canadaWhy Choose Vocational Study in Canada?

Canada is renowned not only for its high-quality education but also for its diverse and practical vocational training programs. Studying vocational courses in Canada offers numerous advantages:

  1. Quality Education: Canadian vocational schools are equipped with modern facilities and advanced curricula that align with industry standards.
  2. High Employment Opportunities: Canada has a high employment rate for graduates, especially in industries experiencing labor shortages.
  3. Safe Living Environment: Canada is known for being one of the safest countries in the world, with a high standard of living and a friendly environment.
  4. Pathway to Permanent Residency: Vocational study in Canada can be a viable route to permanent residency, with many government support programs available.

What is Vocational Study in Canada?

Vocational study in Canada refers to specialized training programs designed for international students who want to gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in specific careers. These programs typically last from 1 to 3 years and cover various fields such as information technology, healthcare, culinary arts, engineering, and more. The goal is to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.

Available Fields of Study

Canada offers a wide range of vocational courses, including but not limited to:

  1. Information Technology (IT)
  2. Engineering
  3. Healthcare
  4. Culinary Arts and Hospitality
  5. Business Administration
  6. Trades and Technical Skills
  7. Graphic Design
  8. Beauty and Aesthetics

Vocational Training Programs in Canada for 2024

In 2024, Canadian vocational training programs continue to innovate and expand to meet labor market demands:

  1. Diploma Programs: Usually last 2 to 3 years.
  2. Certificate Programs: Typically last 1 to 2 years.
  3. Advanced Diploma Programs: Last 3 to 4 years.
  4. Co-op Programs: Combine classroom learning with work placements in businesses.

Costs of Vocational Study in Canada

The cost of vocational study in Canada is generally lower than that of university programs. Specifically:

  1. Tuition Fees: Ranging from CAD $10,000 to CAD $20,000 per year, depending on the course and institution.
  2. Living Expenses: Approximately CAD $10,000 to CAD $15,000 per year, covering accommodation, transportation, and personal expenses.

Vocational Courses Leading to Easy Residency in Canada

Certain vocational courses lead to higher chances of permanent residency due to labor shortages in these fields. Notable fields include:

  1. Information Technology (IT)
  2. Engineering
  3. Healthcare (nursing, medical assistance)
  4. Trades (electricians, welders)
  5. Hospitality and Restaurant Management

Recommended Vocational Schools in Canada

Several vocational schools in Canada are well-known for their high-quality programs and strong job placement rates:

  1. Humber College: Known for IT and business programs.
  2. Seneca College: Renowned for healthcare and engineering courses.
  3. George Brown College: Specializes in culinary arts and hospitality management.
  4. British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT): Offers outstanding programs in engineering and IT.
  5. Conestoga College: Provides diverse programs with a focus on trades and technical skills.


Vocational study in Canada offers a unique opportunity for international students to gain practical skills and work experience in a global setting. With high-quality education, reasonable costs, and a variety of programs, vocational training in Canada is an excellent choice for Vietnamese students looking to enhance their skills and career prospects.